"slashSess")); /************************************* START OF PAGE *************************************/ if (!isset($seclev)) { $seclev = 0; } $db = new slashDB; $story = new Story; /* parse cmd line variables into array */ while ( list($key, $val) = each($HTTP_GET_VARS )) { $ary[$key] = $val; } if (!$section) { $section = getvar("site_homesection", "quiet"); if(!$section) { $section = "Home"; } } $story_html = $story->getStory($story_id, "full", $ary); $t = new Template($templatedir, "remove"); if ($story_html) { $title = $story->getTitle($story_id); $ttitle = stripslashes(ereg_replace("<([^>]*)>", "", $title)); switch($submit) { case "print": $p_intro_text = eregi_replace("]*)src=\"?([^\"]*)\"?([^>]*)>","",$story->story_ary["intro_text"]); $p_intro_text = eregi_replace("]*)href=\"?([^\"]*)\"?([^>]*)>","",$p_intro_text); $p_intro_text = eregi_replace("","",$p_intro_text); $p_intro_text = stripslashes( $p_intro_text); $p_body_text = eregi_replace("]*)src=\"?([^\"]*)\"?([^>]*)>","",$story->story_ary["body_text"]); $p_body_text = eregi_replace("]*)href=\"?([^\"]*)\"?([^>]*)>","",$p_body_text); $p_body_text = eregi_replace("","",$p_body_text); $p_body_text = stripslashes( $p_body_text); $t->set_file(article, "article-pf.tpl"); $t->set_var(array( PAGETITLE => $pagetitle, TITLE => $ttitle, NAME => $story->story_ary["name"], DATEF => $story->story_ary["datef"], DEPT => $story->story_ary["dept"], INTRO_TEXT => $p_intro_text, BODY_TEXT => $p_body_text, XSITEOBJECT => $xsiteobject )); // $t->parse(PAGE, article); // $t->p(PAGE); break; case "email": $emailform = ""; $emailform = $story->emailStory($story_id, $action); default: if (!isset($parent_id)) { $parent_id = 0; } $t->set_file(article, "article.tpl"); $header = getHeader($ttitle,$xsiteobject); $footer = getFooter(); // $titlebar = getTitlebar("100%", $title); // here if you need it. /* Display the story */ // $arrows = $story->getNextPrev($story_id); $t->set_var(array( HEADER => $header, EMAILFORM => $emailform, TITLE => $title, // TITLEBAR => $titlebar, STORY => $story_html, STORY_ID => $story_id, ARROWS => $arrows, IMAGEDIR => $imagedir, FOOTER => $footer )); /* Now that related stuff */ $fancy_boxes = $story->getRelated($story_id); $block = new Block_i; $fancy_boxes .= $block->getAllBlocksForIndex($section); $t->set_var(FANCY_BOXES, $fancy_boxes); /* Now the comments */ $cmt = new Comment; $comments = $cmt->getAllComments($mode, $story_id, $parent_id, $seclev); $t->set_var(COMMENTS, $comments); $updatearticlehits = getvar("article_updatehits"); if ($updatearticlehits) { $q = "UPDATE psl_story SET hits = hits + 1 WHERE story_id = $story_id"; $db->query($q); } } /* end of switch */ $t->parse(PAGE, article); $t->p(PAGE); } else { slashhead("Article",$xsiteobject); titlebar("100%", "Iīm sorry, no Article Number $story_id found."); echo "

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